Hi! I'm Alexis (also known as Lex), and I am a certified Reiki Master, Reconnective Healing Pracititoner, Coach, and Yoga teacher. Reiki healing has seriously transformed my life. I used to live in fear. I would stress myself out, experience panic attacks, self-sabotage - you name it. My Reiki teacher helped me get into deep states of relaxation, and I would leave the sessions feeling like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I felt like I was stepping out of my old skin, shedding layers and old energy that wasn’t serving me. Reiki made me feel empowered, because my healing journey was in my own hands.
My mission now is to help facilitate healing within you. I am here to provide intuitive guidance and energetic support through my own gifts so that you can deeply connect to who you really are.
I believe that through Reiki healing and coaching, your life will begin to open up like you never imagined possible.
I'm Lex - Reiki healing was the gateway to help me connect with my confidence and shed the blocks that were in the way of me sharing my light and my gifts.
Now, I specialize in working with Empaths, People-Pleasers and Sensitive souls.
I love working with people who feel like they are constantly "managing" other's stuff because they can't help but feel their energy/mood at any given time. I know how this feels - I've been an Empath and People-Pleaser most of my life!
My mission is to help you find your confidence to set those boundaries without guilt and worry.
as well as heal the anxiety, overwhelm, energetic cording, toxic relationships, and stress so you can get clarity and live out YOUR purpose, and be free.
If you're feeling the nudge to work with me, book a free clarity call! ~Lex

i've been there, i've struggled with low self-esteem my whole life. i missed so many opportunities, and saw myself as second best, and sold myself short. i didn't have language for my sensitivity & empathic nature. i thought that everyone's pain was mine, and i would carry it all around with me.
i thought that if i didn't acquiesce to everyone else's needs, i wouldn't be liked or loved.
i thought that if i had needs, wants, or desires, i would be considered "too much" - so, i became small. and small became my comfort zone.
in 2015, i was miserable. i felt trapped my relationship, and was failing in a school program I was only doing to please my family. I was doing nothing in my life for ME, and was completely exhausted. I became depressed, anxious, and self-destructive.
my awakening...
and then I got into a car accident on the way to my friend's wedding (I was a bridesmaid).
In my healing journey from the accident, I stumbled upon a Reiki level 1 class which
changed everything for me.
every wall in my life crumbled to pieces (but in a good way). everything broke down & broke open for me to examine, and i've spent the last 5 years healing, and practicing loving myself through it. I discovered my sensitivities are my gift to share, and becoming a healer & coach is exactly what i'm supposed to be doing, so i can help others, like you, discover their gifts too.